This game is good there is character progression and plot build to an extant I didnt feel like the ending satisfied me even the real one the story was great but I wish you could choose from more options page after page was pretty much almost always liner to me Im not saying I didnt like the story I just wish I had more choices for example I wish I got to choose where I searched in the blacksmiths house instead of it all being set up again not saying the story wasnt bad it just didnt feel as free as some other choice games also I never died once and so I think thats a sign that they should make this game a wee bit harder or at least a hard difficulty they should also show you in the status section how your relationships are but over all the most important thing was that I had fun doing it so good job and also this game is hilarious at some parts and highly enjoyable even with the amount of spelling errors I spotted but final conclusion AWESOME!
{~+j@me5+~} about Fatehaven